
Winter Track Renewal – Day 1

The main part of the Amerton Railway Winter track relaying project started today, after useful preparatory work over the past few weeks. We are replacing the 35lb/yard rail on the approach to the Mine with some of our stock of 48lb/yard rail.

The 35/lb yard rail has been lifted in panels and used to extend the “industrial line” towards the Mine (it will eventually also form part of a turning triangle).

Excellent progress was made, with the 35lb/yard track panels removed from the mainline by mid-afternoon and placed in position for the industrial iline on a trackbed made from ballast recovered from previous years relaying work placed on a Terram blanket. Good progress was also made on levelling new ballast on the mainline trackbed. We hope that tomorrow will see the new mainline sleepers laid out and rail positioned for bending and fastening down.Fortunately the rain held off for most of today, but the recent wet weather meant that mud is quite abundant !

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