Weekend Services Resume Saturday 21st March

Our Weekend Services start again on Saturday 21st March, the railway will then be open every weekend until 1st November, as well as during the school holidays.
We will be running diesel trains on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd March and on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th March.
After the Easter holidays our normal weekend service of diesel trains on Saturday and steam trains on Sunday will run until 1st November. On Bank Holiday weekends we’ll run a steam engine every day. Steam engines will also run on both days of our Summer Steam Gala on 20th & 21st June (of course !) and the “Gambia Weekend” on 11th & 12th July, but will be replaced by diesel engines on the Diesel Gala weekend on 5th & 6th September.
Easter Holidays
We will be open every day during the Easter Holidays from Friday 3rd April to Wednesday 17th April. Steam engines will run on, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th, Monday 6th April & Sunday 12th April with a diesel engine on all other days.
We will be open every day during the other school holidays too! – please see the Timetable page for details.
We hope to see you soon !